The device, which was invented by scientists at the University of Utah, kills lice and eggs through a specific combination of temperature, airflow, time and technique. Happy customers leave our clinics everyday lice free!
The AirAllé® device is the only medical device with FDA-clearance to treat head lice. It utilizes microprocessor-controlled heated air to kill lice and eggs through dehydration.
A specific, timed treatment pattern is followed to ensure all areas of the head are treated. No pesticides or other chemicals are used in the therapy; just heated air.
Our most popular treatment, is a 3-step-process that desiccates lice and their eggs in one treatment. We have you lice free in 1 treatment, 1 hour, 100% guaranteed.
Hundreds of thousands of Moms all over the world have trusted us with their lice treatment needs. No one knows more about curing lice infestations.
Our specially designed device, which penetrates beyond the insulating layer of hair and lifts the hair slightly while directing airflow right onto lice and eggs, has earned multiple patents.
We received FDA-clearance on our AirAllé® device, which utilizes microprocessor-controlled heated air to kill live lice and eggs (nits) through dehydration.
Larada Sciences, Inc.
d.b.a. Lice Clinics of America
4873 South State Street
Murray, Utah 84107
United States of America
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We can’t wait to help you at our professional head lice clinic at [address] in [city], [state]! Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you ASAP to confirm your appointment.
We can’t wait to help you at our professional head lice clinic at 123 Lice Lane in City, AB!