It’s a scenario most parents dread.
Your child is sent home from school with a note saying that he or she has head lice.
If you have never been through a lice outbreak before, you’re in for a bumpy ride of well-intended advice and misinformation that might just make your teeth rattle. Call the doctor. Don’t call the doctor. Go to the drug store—they have shampoos that kill lice. Don’t go to the drug store. Those chemical lice treatments don’t work. Have you heard of super lice? Don’t put pesticides on your child’s head. Use mayonnaise. Use petroleum jelly. Use tea tree oil. It worked for me!
That’s just the beginning. Then comes the household cleaning advice. Throw all of your clothes, linens, stuffed animals and pillows in plastic bags for two weeks. Put everything in the dryer on high for 30 minutes. Leave the house for two weeks. Sell your house and move!
Ok, that last one is an exaggeration.
On the other hand, if you have been through a case of head lice once or twice, and your child comes home with lice again, you don’t so much freak out as you just get angry. Not again! The confusion, the trial-and-error remedies, the combing, the crying…
Amazingly enough, the same reactions and responses to head-lice outbreaks have been taking place for decades. We don’t seem to be able to make any progress standardizing a system of care and using sound medical practices to deal with the condition. Head lice aren’t new. They have been around for centuries. It seems that no one wants to learn about treating head lice until it happens to them.
Fortunately, this is beginning to change with the advent of a new medical device-based treatment used by professional clinics to remove head lice and their eggs in a single, 90-minute treatment.
The device is called AirAllé, and it is available around the world at treatment centers run by Lice Clinics of America. The device uses carefully controlled heated air to dehydrate and kill live lice and their eggs (nits) in one appointment. The treatment has been clinically proven to kill head lice and 99.2 percent of eggs, and cleared by the FDA as safe and effective. A one-and-done treatment without the use of toxic chemicals.
It is backed by science and it really works.
Parents, children, pediatricians, school nurses, teachers, day-care providers and summer-camp operators around the world have been waiting for a simple, fast, safe and effective head-lice treatment. Finally, that treatment is here.
At Lice Clinics of America we are committed to helping families, educators and health-care providers reduce the stress and time involved in treating head lice. Â All Lice Clinics of America centers are staffed with certified technicians. And we guarantee results.
If you and your family have been dealing with a lice infestation for far too long, find the nearest clinic near you to get rid of lice once and for all.