Does Freezing Kill Lice?

Head lice infestations are a common nuisance, especially among children in schools and daycare centers. When faced with these tiny, persistent pests, people often seek quick and effective solutions to eradicate them. One popular myth that circulates is the belief that freezing can kill head lice. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the science behind freezing – and its impact on head lice – to separate fact from fiction.

Cold Temperatures & Their Effect on Lice

The idea of freezing lice is based on the assumption that extreme cold temperatures can be lethal to these parasites. While it’s true that some insects cannot survive freezing conditions, the effectiveness of freezing as a head lice treatment is questionable.

Limited Studies and Evidence
There is a scarcity of scientific studies specifically investigating the impact of freezing on head lice. Consequently, the lack of evidence makes it challenging to draw a definitive conclusion regarding the effectiveness of freezing as a viable treatment.

Head Lice Adaptations
Head lice are highly adaptable creatures that have survived for centuries due to their ability to withstand various environmental conditions. They have evolved to cling tightly to hair shafts and endure drastic temperature changes. While lice might become less active in colder temperatures, it’s unclear whether freezing alone can completely eradicate them.

Nits Survival
Even if freezing could potentially kill adult head lice, it’s important to note that nits are more resilient. Nits are well-insulated by a glue-like substance that helps them adhere to the hair shafts. This protection makes nits less susceptible to extreme temperatures, including freezing.

Does Freezing Hair Brushes Kill Lice?

Although it might seem logical, unfortunately, freezing hair brushes is not a reliable method for killing lice or their eggs (nits). While it’s true that extreme cold temperatures can harm or kill some insects, head lice are remarkably resilient and can survive freezing temperatures for short periods.

Here’s why freezing hair brushes might not be effective in eliminating lice:

  1. Lice adaptability: Head lice have evolved to endure a range of environmental conditions, including temperature changes. They can become less active in colder temperatures, but they can quickly regain their activity and vitality once exposed to warmer conditions.
  2. Nits survival: Nits, which are lice eggs, have a protective coating that helps them withstand harsh environmental conditions, including freezing temperatures. Freezing may not be enough to kill the nits, and they may still hatch and continue the infestation when exposed to room temperature.
  3. Complete eradication: Even if freezing could potentially kill some adult lice, it is essential to consider the entire life cycle of head lice. If even a few lice or nits survive on the brush, they can quickly reproduce and reinfest the scalp.
What Kills Lice Fast?

The good news is, lice aren’t nearly as contagious without head-to-head contact. If you’re already dealing with a lice infestation, there are some convenient treatment options available. 

The FDA-cleared AirAllé, a medical device that kills live lice bugs and their eggs (nits) through dehydration and desiccation. This revolutionary alternative treats head lice through a specific combination of temperature, airflow, time, and technique. Because the AirAllé device is so effective at killing lice eggs (which are the hardest for traditional lice products to kill), the chances of needing a follow-up treatment are less than 1%.

The OneCure™ Home Treatment Kit is the first and only at-home, heated-air solution clinically proven to kill lice, super lice, and 99.2% of eggs, all in a single treatment. OneCure uses the same non-toxic, pesticide-free technology proven in Lice Clinics of America clinics, but can be administered at home. The CURE! Lice Remover Kit is a home treatment kit that allows you to treat head lice with a safe, non-toxic, and pesticide-free gel that kills lice and super lice. 

Prevention of Louse Infestations

If you’re wondering how to avoid getting lice, there are fortunately several precautions you can take right away. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid head-to-head contact: Avoiding direct head-to-head contact can significantly reduce your chances of getting head lice. This means avoiding hugs, leaning your head on someone else’s, and sleeping in close proximity to someone else.
  • Try not to share personal items: Head lice can also occasionally be transmitted through shared personal items like brushes, combs, hair accessories, hats, and helmets. It’s important to avoid sharing these items with others, especially if they have had head lice recently. If you do need to share, make sure to disinfect the item first.
  • Regularly check for lice and nits: Checking your hair and scalp regularly for lice and nits can help catch an infestation early and prevent it from spreading. Use a fine-toothed comb to carefully inspect your hair, especially around the ears and neck. If you do find lice or nits, seek treatment immediately.

While the idea of freezing as a remedy for head lice may seem appealing, there is insufficient evidence to support its effectiveness. Instead, it’s wiser to rely on scientifically proven treatments for these persistent pests.  

If you or your family are dealing with a lice infestation, find your nearest Lice Clinics of America clinic and get treated today.

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